Paintball Sheeple "BAAHHH!!!"
(Been a while, sorry, been an "Interesting" month... But let's get on with the job of torquing people off, shall we? Good.)
The paintball industry must think we're stupid. No, actually, they probably know we are. Look folks, paintball isn't cheap. Fine, I'll even accept that some things are going to be more expensive than others. But, ya know, the more I look at what people will spend money on, the more I'm convinced that the sport is filled with fools who have to be parted with their money.
A prime example: Empire Paintball sells... a bandana. Ok, fine, a lot of paintball players want to try to look like they're "hard core gangsta" types. Fine. But, let's look at that price. $12.88. (As of 10-10-05) For a bandana. $12.88. Ok, before I go off on this, let me reassure you all that I have, in fact, seen people WEAR these things, meaning they bought it, meaning they spent $12.88 for a bandana.
Dude? $1.35, online, any color you want, done. Wanna look hardcore old skool with your Impy/Bushy/Iony/Matrixy shooting at 25 ramps per second? I'll find you camo ones too. I mean, I've seen kids with these "Empire" ones, folding them oh-so-carefully like the fate of their game DEPENDED on it, tying it around their heads like some kind of Karate Kid mojo was working for them, and then putting on a logowear baseball cap over that, completely covering the logos with another logo.
And then they think my ears and tail looks weird? HA!
You overpaid to be a walking billboard, wearing someone else's style and branding so you can be a non-conformist like everyone else. Oh, wait, you gotta buy the official "Non-Conformist" paintball jersey and gloves first, and then we'll allow you in. The more of our "Paintball Non-Conformist" gear you buy, the higher social rank you have in our official paintball non-conformists club.
Doesn't it strike anyone else as odd that paintball players will happily shell out a lot of money on clothing that's not spectacular, then whine about paint prices? "I can't believe we're paying $75 a case for RP Premium! Geez I can get this online for $20 a case if I go to... HEY our jerseys are here! TOTALLY worth the $60! Now where are my $90 pants that will rip apart when I do my first slide in them?" Hey, umm, you know you can get some kick-ass "Fox" jerseys for $40, right? And cheaper ones can be found on e-bay, if you do a LITTLE research?
You know, same thing goes for paintguns too. Every year people shell out money for the "latest and greatest" in paintguns. You know what? They're the SAME GUNS as last year, with new milling and a little software bonus. No, really, if you got your board reflashed to new software every year, you'd get the same results as buying a new gun. Well, your milling wouldn't change but the gun would operate "like new".
Then there are barrels. At least this hype has, mostly, ended. With the "4 inch freak" phenomenon, people have gotten the clue that it's not how long it is but how well it fits. (Read into that anything you want). Any yet, people still think that 21" barrels shoot further. And I guess you're right. They shoot EXACTALLY 9" further than a 12" barrel, in theory anyway. And they use more gas too.
And WHY do people still believe this crap? Because it's being marketed, packaged, and SOLD to them and we don't want to think it won't work, that's why! As consumers we don't want to think, and they know this. It's been a standard in the paintball industry for years to prey on this fact! You put pseudo-science out there, confuse people with big words, show them people winning with your stuff and with the right marketing you could sell a "Paintball-On-A-Stick" and they'll buy it thinking it'll improve their game. And once people buy into it, others will think its cool too and start buying it.
Let's take the "BT Barrel" Ok, you're cringing already. But look at the site! They show pictures promising that the balls will go forward, and curve HARD at less than 40 feet. Some people say it's just compressing the theory to fit a drawing. By that explanation, X-Ray glasses really work too because the drawing simply illustrates what's happening and not the reality. Ever SEEN someone shoot a BT barrel? To say the least, I'm not impressed. But people WANT it, and will BUY it. Why? We're STUPID! We want to believe it does what it says on the box! We want to believe that we can buy victory through technology instead of earning it through skill and dedication.
Same goes for events too. Do you realize that I could run a tournament like the World Cup? No, really, I could. If I had the money, I can rent several 10-man airball fields, get insurance, erect netting in any public area, and make a paintball field anywhere. There's nothing special about events like IAO or the World Cup OTHER than the name! The fact that they've both changed venues should tell you that. It's not like playing baseball at Wrigley Field or Fenway Park. There's no sense of history or occasion.
It's just another airball field, so it doesn't matter where it's played. And, again, through great marketing and some semblance of historical evidence that the event runs yearly, it seems better than it is. Look, airball is airball, and one-shot tournaments are all the same. Unless there are special shapes (pink hearts, yellow moons, orange stars, green clovers, blue diamonds, purple horseshoes, whatever...) or courses that I can't play at my local field, I'm unimpressed. Last Skyball you know what we had? Cans, a "pyramid", a "Dorito", a few low "bricks" and some rectangular laydowns.
THE SAME THINGS I PLAY WHEN I GO TO FACTORY PB! So why go to Skyball? We're sold the word "Skydome", and players come thinking that it's a better event for it's location. The truth? That event can be held anywhere, any time, any place, and we wouldn't know the difference as players. We're idiots, in that sense. Someone could hold a tournament in Love Canal, and we'd never know the difference.
Point is we all buy the hype. We all want to believe something is more special than it is, and justify the expense of buying that $13 bandana by saying its got logos on it that makes us cooler. Or that $800 isn't so bad because we're playing a tournament in a sports complex that really doesn't care what we're doing as long as the cleaning crew doesn't need a "HazMat" suit. Or that $1500 on a new gun every year or so isn't so bad, because it HAS to be better than last year's gun.
So let me ask you this, and challenge you. Why buy the hype? Why not play with your old stuff until you need to replace it? And "The new one looks cooler" isn't a need, it's a want. Why buy into the hype of barrels and E-gun-of-the-month? Why bite when a manufacturer puts out an image of some dude looking all "gangsta" thinking that if you buy all that gear, you'll be as good or as tough as he is? The look may work on him, but it sure as hell won't make a suburban white kid look tough. Truth is you look pathetic. And somewhere, someone's laughing at you because you actually bought a bandana at over 1000% markup.
And besides, just speaking for myself, I'm more impressed with a player who uses gear that works for them, doesn't buy the latest thing on the market, and isn't afraid to look outside the industry for what they want to have. Not someone who will just blindly follow whatever hype is given to them this week. Sheeple like that, I know what to expect from them. And honestly, it's never a good outing for me if I have to deal with someone who's convinced his "LP CAWKER SHOOTS FURTHER THAN JOO PHANTOM!1!!uno!oneexclamationpoint!!!" They're the ones I want to use the cattle prod on.
To that extent, you may as well admit it. I'll be marketing a set of "goggle ears" that will fit through the grill openings of your goggles. The fronts will be black; the back will be pure wool fleece. So at least if you're going to be a mindless sheeple, you can look the part fully.
The paintball industry must think we're stupid. No, actually, they probably know we are. Look folks, paintball isn't cheap. Fine, I'll even accept that some things are going to be more expensive than others. But, ya know, the more I look at what people will spend money on, the more I'm convinced that the sport is filled with fools who have to be parted with their money.
A prime example: Empire Paintball sells... a bandana. Ok, fine, a lot of paintball players want to try to look like they're "hard core gangsta" types. Fine. But, let's look at that price. $12.88. (As of 10-10-05) For a bandana. $12.88. Ok, before I go off on this, let me reassure you all that I have, in fact, seen people WEAR these things, meaning they bought it, meaning they spent $12.88 for a bandana.
Dude? $1.35, online, any color you want, done. Wanna look hardcore old skool with your Impy/Bushy/Iony/Matrixy shooting at 25 ramps per second? I'll find you camo ones too. I mean, I've seen kids with these "Empire" ones, folding them oh-so-carefully like the fate of their game DEPENDED on it, tying it around their heads like some kind of Karate Kid mojo was working for them, and then putting on a logowear baseball cap over that, completely covering the logos with another logo.
And then they think my ears and tail looks weird? HA!
You overpaid to be a walking billboard, wearing someone else's style and branding so you can be a non-conformist like everyone else. Oh, wait, you gotta buy the official "Non-Conformist" paintball jersey and gloves first, and then we'll allow you in. The more of our "Paintball Non-Conformist" gear you buy, the higher social rank you have in our official paintball non-conformists club.
Doesn't it strike anyone else as odd that paintball players will happily shell out a lot of money on clothing that's not spectacular, then whine about paint prices? "I can't believe we're paying $75 a case for RP Premium! Geez I can get this online for $20 a case if I go to... HEY our jerseys are here! TOTALLY worth the $60! Now where are my $90 pants that will rip apart when I do my first slide in them?" Hey, umm, you know you can get some kick-ass "Fox" jerseys for $40, right? And cheaper ones can be found on e-bay, if you do a LITTLE research?
You know, same thing goes for paintguns too. Every year people shell out money for the "latest and greatest" in paintguns. You know what? They're the SAME GUNS as last year, with new milling and a little software bonus. No, really, if you got your board reflashed to new software every year, you'd get the same results as buying a new gun. Well, your milling wouldn't change but the gun would operate "like new".
Then there are barrels. At least this hype has, mostly, ended. With the "4 inch freak" phenomenon, people have gotten the clue that it's not how long it is but how well it fits. (Read into that anything you want). Any yet, people still think that 21" barrels shoot further. And I guess you're right. They shoot EXACTALLY 9" further than a 12" barrel, in theory anyway. And they use more gas too.
And WHY do people still believe this crap? Because it's being marketed, packaged, and SOLD to them and we don't want to think it won't work, that's why! As consumers we don't want to think, and they know this. It's been a standard in the paintball industry for years to prey on this fact! You put pseudo-science out there, confuse people with big words, show them people winning with your stuff and with the right marketing you could sell a "Paintball-On-A-Stick" and they'll buy it thinking it'll improve their game. And once people buy into it, others will think its cool too and start buying it.
Let's take the "BT Barrel" Ok, you're cringing already. But look at the site! They show pictures promising that the balls will go forward, and curve HARD at less than 40 feet. Some people say it's just compressing the theory to fit a drawing. By that explanation, X-Ray glasses really work too because the drawing simply illustrates what's happening and not the reality. Ever SEEN someone shoot a BT barrel? To say the least, I'm not impressed. But people WANT it, and will BUY it. Why? We're STUPID! We want to believe it does what it says on the box! We want to believe that we can buy victory through technology instead of earning it through skill and dedication.
Same goes for events too. Do you realize that I could run a tournament like the World Cup? No, really, I could. If I had the money, I can rent several 10-man airball fields, get insurance, erect netting in any public area, and make a paintball field anywhere. There's nothing special about events like IAO or the World Cup OTHER than the name! The fact that they've both changed venues should tell you that. It's not like playing baseball at Wrigley Field or Fenway Park. There's no sense of history or occasion.
It's just another airball field, so it doesn't matter where it's played. And, again, through great marketing and some semblance of historical evidence that the event runs yearly, it seems better than it is. Look, airball is airball, and one-shot tournaments are all the same. Unless there are special shapes (pink hearts, yellow moons, orange stars, green clovers, blue diamonds, purple horseshoes, whatever...) or courses that I can't play at my local field, I'm unimpressed. Last Skyball you know what we had? Cans, a "pyramid", a "Dorito", a few low "bricks" and some rectangular laydowns.
THE SAME THINGS I PLAY WHEN I GO TO FACTORY PB! So why go to Skyball? We're sold the word "Skydome", and players come thinking that it's a better event for it's location. The truth? That event can be held anywhere, any time, any place, and we wouldn't know the difference as players. We're idiots, in that sense. Someone could hold a tournament in Love Canal, and we'd never know the difference.
Point is we all buy the hype. We all want to believe something is more special than it is, and justify the expense of buying that $13 bandana by saying its got logos on it that makes us cooler. Or that $800 isn't so bad because we're playing a tournament in a sports complex that really doesn't care what we're doing as long as the cleaning crew doesn't need a "HazMat" suit. Or that $1500 on a new gun every year or so isn't so bad, because it HAS to be better than last year's gun.
So let me ask you this, and challenge you. Why buy the hype? Why not play with your old stuff until you need to replace it? And "The new one looks cooler" isn't a need, it's a want. Why buy into the hype of barrels and E-gun-of-the-month? Why bite when a manufacturer puts out an image of some dude looking all "gangsta" thinking that if you buy all that gear, you'll be as good or as tough as he is? The look may work on him, but it sure as hell won't make a suburban white kid look tough. Truth is you look pathetic. And somewhere, someone's laughing at you because you actually bought a bandana at over 1000% markup.
And besides, just speaking for myself, I'm more impressed with a player who uses gear that works for them, doesn't buy the latest thing on the market, and isn't afraid to look outside the industry for what they want to have. Not someone who will just blindly follow whatever hype is given to them this week. Sheeple like that, I know what to expect from them. And honestly, it's never a good outing for me if I have to deal with someone who's convinced his "LP CAWKER SHOOTS FURTHER THAN JOO PHANTOM!1!!uno!oneexclamationpoint!!!" They're the ones I want to use the cattle prod on.
To that extent, you may as well admit it. I'll be marketing a set of "goggle ears" that will fit through the grill openings of your goggles. The fronts will be black; the back will be pure wool fleece. So at least if you're going to be a mindless sheeple, you can look the part fully.
What's in Tyger's CD player now :
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 11, 2005 3:28:00 PM
You get 'em Tyger. I agree with you... I wasnt born in the days of stock class, or honor amongst men, for that matter, but I still feel a weird nostalgia when I think about how games used to be, and how far we have gotten from how our game was intended. I love to show off my brands, but my brands are Sheridan, and the US military... and Dye... gotta have the protection. Heheh. I just wish we could get back to the game of skill and survival, and get way from " I spent more money, you lose."
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 11, 2005 11:24:00 PM
Here's the thing. If "DYE" came out with... Well wait they pretty much define the problem. They made SOCKS for cryin' out loud! SOCKS! And people went CRAZY trying to find $2.50 a pair socks and $5 SHOELACES!!!!
I'll forgive the $20 ankle braces, as that's about the going price, but COME ON! $2.50 for a pair of socks?!?!? They could make... Well they pretty much make EVERYTHING with their logo on it and people go insane trying to buy them. Because "OMFG It's DYE!!!"
Hence, this rant.
Rob "Tyger" Rubin, at Saturday, October 15, 2005 12:42:00 AM
I have to aggree and slightly dissagree.
its not so much hype but marketing. the buissness knows supply and demand. and its just like sports, the world cup is cerimonialy the Biggest game, (its not really but its marrketed that way)
as for the bandanas your completely right, but then sometimes you do want a logo. like a team logo to show that you support the team or producer.
and as for the jeresys and pants, the brands that are good but dont cost much dont get advertized, its not so much that were falling for it just we are iggnorant of the better cheaper things.
I think you are right with most of this and as for you saying you whine, well at least your good at it! you bring up some really good points.
Anonymous, at Saturday, October 15, 2005 4:25:00 PM
Yea, I've thought 15 bucks for a bandanna and 60 for a jersey is just a wee bit much. Nice writing as usual Tyger.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 18, 2005 6:36:00 PM
Rob, you hit it on the head. I see way too many rich white kids on the field with all the "leet" gear that mommy bought them. Also, there's too many 13 year olds that think they're billy bad asses and are walking DYE billboards. I mean, come on!
But, the same could also be said about Spec Ops too, and to be honest I haven't heard you once talk about them. I personally think Spec Ops is a great company, but they're way too full of themselves. I mean, they're just as bad as all of the other companies out there. Most of their product "reviews" end up glorifying their equipment.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 19, 2005 3:22:00 PM
Personally I like playing against the "13 year olds that think they're billy bad asses and are walking DYE billboards" because the DAYGLO colors of their various DYE products makes them easier targets :)
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 25, 2005 11:06:00 PM
Bah... I have one gun, I've used it once, and I plan to use it until it threatens to destroy the time-space continuum. I don't have uber-expensive leet paintball gear. I have a JT full-coverage mask (mainly for my mom's sake... hey, extra protection never hindered me in the past) my white NewBalance ( off-white, muddy, and green from mowing) tennis shoes, Camo Cargo Pants that button up in the fly, a Flannel jacket, and whatever T-Shirt I feel like wearing that day (last scenario, I wore my 'Jesus Saves, the rest of you take damage' Shirt... next time, I'm wearing my 'I [Club] Cheaters' shirt from TWB.)
My marker? A Tippmann 98C with only 2 'upgrades': Trinity AK47 Ex-Chamber(Got it because I wanted a chamber, and the Russian-part of me liked the design. I know I shelled extra money in for the look, and I'm ok with that. I mean, I'm not gonna go buy the AK47 barrel just yet because it's Uber-Leet...) and a foldable stock. Everything else is stock-class... and as far as I can see, that's all I'll need... if I want something, I'll see if I can make it myself first and install it myself first.
Oh, and I was gonna buy a set of ears, but then I remembered they were sheep ears... nah. I'll make and install my own wolf ears on my helmet as soon as I get a chance :p
In my opinion, if you can't make it yourself, and it doesn't affect your playing at all, why get it? Sure, the AK47 chamber looks cool, but it also is an expansion chamber. If I wanted looks, I could have easily made a mold of a clip and stuck a plastic, hollow one on there...
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 10, 2005 10:50:00 PM
well i do have a couple branded clothing such as a pair of draxxus pants but the only reason i got them was because they were only 30 bucks
but you see the same thing in just about everything go to a nice saburban school and ur gonna see all the "cool kids" with clothes from holister or american eagle that charge 25 bucks for a t shirt but ur not cool if u dont wear abercrombie and the last time i went into a holister i was so ticked off i even asked if they had any shirts that didnt say holister all over it and the girl said she didnt think they did even the boxers have holister all over it
Anonymous, at Monday, January 02, 2006 5:45:00 PM
I still just use my old black boyscout neckerchief as a bandana. Didn't cost me a dime (other than the monthly dues for scouts)
Anonymous, at Thursday, June 14, 2007 10:46:00 AM
You're right man, and it's sad. I used to use a .25 cent bandanna before I found this hat on Ebay. It was handmade, and it's like a cap, but with a soft bill that goes over the back of your neck. Really great, and it's camo, too! Anyway, yes it was $15, but there aren't any brand names on it or anything like that. And I haven't seen anyone else in my 1 year of playing wearing one.
What happened to the days when it was cool to be unique? Agh.
I do have one argument though; that BT barrel? It does what it says. I don't own one, but have shot one on numerous occasions, and it does really well.
Well, there's my two cents.
War Master on Spec Ops
Anonymous, at Sunday, September 09, 2007 1:51:00 PM
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