This was forwarded to me, and I'm trying to help get the word out. If you have any of these bottles, or you see other people with it, make sure that the right steps are taken.
IGNITION Air Systems – Product Recall Notice
8-25-05: ARCHON Paintball Inc. announced today an immediate product recall of all IGNITION Air Systems with DOT-E 12695 certification.
IGNITION Air Systems were assembled using GCI (Global Composites International) carbon fiber bottles. These bottles were manufactured in the USA by GCI and supplied to ARCHON with correct DOT specification and certification. However, it has been determined by the US DOT (Department of Transport) that these bottles are unsafe and could cause serious injury or death. Do not use under any circumstances.
The Department of Transportation recommends that anyone possessing one of these cylinders take it to a qualified refilling station to have the pressure relieved. These cylinders should NOT be refilled and will NOT be re-qualified for service. You can view this Safety Advisory Notice on the DOT website at:
Product Return/Replacement
For product return and replacement authorization, please contact ARCHON Paintball Inc. at 1-864-675-0228 or visit
This recall notice pertains to IGNITION Air systems only. For all other air systems using GCI manufacturing tanks, please contact the manufacturer.
Doug Brown, Vice President
ARCHON Paintball Inc.
155 Verdin Road
Greenville, SC 29607
Toll Free: 888-927-1010
Fax: 864-458-7611

8-25-05: ARCHON Paintball Inc. announced today an immediate product recall of all IGNITION Air Systems with DOT-E 12695 certification.
IGNITION Air Systems were assembled using GCI (Global Composites International) carbon fiber bottles. These bottles were manufactured in the USA by GCI and supplied to ARCHON with correct DOT specification and certification. However, it has been determined by the US DOT (Department of Transport) that these bottles are unsafe and could cause serious injury or death. Do not use under any circumstances.
The Department of Transportation recommends that anyone possessing one of these cylinders take it to a qualified refilling station to have the pressure relieved. These cylinders should NOT be refilled and will NOT be re-qualified for service. You can view this Safety Advisory Notice on the DOT website at:
Product Return/Replacement
For product return and replacement authorization, please contact ARCHON Paintball Inc. at 1-864-675-0228 or visit
This recall notice pertains to IGNITION Air systems only. For all other air systems using GCI manufacturing tanks, please contact the manufacturer.
Doug Brown, Vice President
ARCHON Paintball Inc.
155 Verdin Road
Greenville, SC 29607
Toll Free: 888-927-1010
Fax: 864-458-7611
This has hit MAC Developments and Crossfire as well ...
marty, at Thursday, August 25, 2005 5:10:00 PM
Which is good, we need to get more people to know this stuff. Safety is safety.
Rob "Tyger" Rubin, at Thursday, August 25, 2005 5:13:00 PM
It cracks me up actually ... they all switched to GCI from Luxfer (or other "main" cylinder brands) because the GCI tanks were significantly cheaper.
Now we know why :)
marty, at Sunday, August 28, 2005 6:59:00 PM
That's a link to the air systems section of PBR describing exactly what DOT # crossfire tanks are bad and need to be de-pressurized.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, August 31, 2005 3:21:00 PM
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