In simple black & white
Did anyone actually read what I wrote? I mean really?
I'm going to say not, as everyone is now saying that I've retired from paintball. Obviously, you didn't read what I wrote. Granted, it's a long piece so I'm willing to understand that people only glean what they want out of it. I shouldn't expect any different really, nobody seems to read anything I write anyway and they never have. They go off of what someone else told them I wrote, and that's usually nothing like what I said in the first place. Or if they do read it, they take one sentence out of context, blow it out or proportion, and claim that's all I said. All I can say is it's a good thing I keep backups of my works.
So, here you go. Cut and dry.
I'm not retiring from paintball. I never said I was. I said, and I quote "I can not, with a clear conscience, associate myself with a sport that condones by silence any kind of violent behavior". This does not say "I am leaving paintball forever". It says I am not associating with a sport that condones by silence bad or violent behavior, and in my opinion encourages it. Not playing paintball and not associating with an industry selling a prefabricated image to a player base that follows the lead of disposable heroes are two different things. I also said it's not fun playing paintball, and that's still the case.
I am no longer doing the Web Dog shows or most any video production for the near future. They have a life of their own now, and I'm no longer doing anything with them.
I am no longer seeking to fund the show out of my pocket to create an archive site. There are a few players who have themselves, so the videos are still obtainable.
To those who have sent e-mail or posted, I thank you for the words and kind thoughts. But I'm not dead, I'm not committing suicide, I'm not burning myself in protest in the streets of a major city. I'm just removing my website, and not planning on doing more videos in the near future.
I'm just getting out of the way of the juggernaut determined to blast itself into the immovable object of reality. And when it happens, when some kid is killed or severely injured due to player stupidity / industry ignorance, I'll try not to gloat when I say "I told you so."
I also understand that EVERYONE has an axe to grind, and I have people that don't like me. Fine. Don't put words in my mouth, and I won't put words into yours. I don't expect everyone to like me, but I expect you to at least have the courtesy to ask me to my face for clarification if I manage to confuse you. It's not that uncommon, I'm told I'm confused a lot. You want to spread hate or rumors, I can't stop you. But if you claim to be my friend, the least you can do is contact me.
And as far as people agreeing or disagreeing about my motivations or the problems I pointed out, good. If people talk about the problem, that's good. If people actually do something about it, that's even better. I've been told I've started revolutions before, so let's start one.
I'm going to say not, as everyone is now saying that I've retired from paintball. Obviously, you didn't read what I wrote. Granted, it's a long piece so I'm willing to understand that people only glean what they want out of it. I shouldn't expect any different really, nobody seems to read anything I write anyway and they never have. They go off of what someone else told them I wrote, and that's usually nothing like what I said in the first place. Or if they do read it, they take one sentence out of context, blow it out or proportion, and claim that's all I said. All I can say is it's a good thing I keep backups of my works.
So, here you go. Cut and dry.
I'm not retiring from paintball. I never said I was. I said, and I quote "I can not, with a clear conscience, associate myself with a sport that condones by silence any kind of violent behavior". This does not say "I am leaving paintball forever". It says I am not associating with a sport that condones by silence bad or violent behavior, and in my opinion encourages it. Not playing paintball and not associating with an industry selling a prefabricated image to a player base that follows the lead of disposable heroes are two different things. I also said it's not fun playing paintball, and that's still the case.
I am no longer doing the Web Dog shows or most any video production for the near future. They have a life of their own now, and I'm no longer doing anything with them.
I am no longer seeking to fund the show out of my pocket to create an archive site. There are a few players who have themselves, so the videos are still obtainable.
To those who have sent e-mail or posted, I thank you for the words and kind thoughts. But I'm not dead, I'm not committing suicide, I'm not burning myself in protest in the streets of a major city. I'm just removing my website, and not planning on doing more videos in the near future.
I'm just getting out of the way of the juggernaut determined to blast itself into the immovable object of reality. And when it happens, when some kid is killed or severely injured due to player stupidity / industry ignorance, I'll try not to gloat when I say "I told you so."
I also understand that EVERYONE has an axe to grind, and I have people that don't like me. Fine. Don't put words in my mouth, and I won't put words into yours. I don't expect everyone to like me, but I expect you to at least have the courtesy to ask me to my face for clarification if I manage to confuse you. It's not that uncommon, I'm told I'm confused a lot. You want to spread hate or rumors, I can't stop you. But if you claim to be my friend, the least you can do is contact me.
And as far as people agreeing or disagreeing about my motivations or the problems I pointed out, good. If people talk about the problem, that's good. If people actually do something about it, that's even better. I've been told I've started revolutions before, so let's start one.
That being said, if your ever in the southern Ohio region, look me up, I know a field where all they play is standup ball. Bravecoward and SAW are also around there.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, August 17, 2005 4:55:00 PM
I agree with you totally and I'm sure that there also many players, old and young, that agree and support you all the way. I am reletivly new to paintball compared to you, have only been playin for about four years, and I have seen things from players that have been tagged shooting back because their mad, to mulitple cheating offenders that cheat even after their own team mate admitts to what they have done. I have not seen the fist fights as some have, but I have had to unclog several inches of dirt out of thrown down markers and such. But I disagree with people who say that speedball is the cause of all this anger and carelessness in paintball, I myself play recball and woodsball and stay away from the airball fields, but I think it is from the mass amounts of people not understanding what a single careless paintball can do, or Do not know proper saftey or choose not to use it. I am just a 16 year old kid who wants to make paintball the sport that makes you want to play for the rush and the pure fun it can provide, not to be the coolest or shoot the fastest. When I listen to some of the older players I know, and the storys of how paintball used to be, it makes me wish that things could be that carefree and exciting as their storys. It has become so mainstream and marketed that now people dont even seem to be having fun anymore. I dont even want to go to big games anymore because its become "accepted" to cheat. Its like morals and standards have been forgotten and new rules are in place, If the ref dont see it, I'm still in. What is that? Some of the best games I have ever played have been 2 on 2 or 3 on 3 games, because everyone wants to win no matter what, even if they dont any have fun doing it. It makes me sad.
Anonymous, at Sunday, August 21, 2005 2:07:00 AM
"I am no longer seeking to fund the show out of my pocket to create an archive site. There are a few players who have themselves, so the videos are still obtainable."
I have done some searching for this and can't find a good resource. I am one of those who offered to host archives of the videos but never heard back. I'd like to at least watch them.
I was out of the game for a few years and missed all teh fun here.
Anonymous, at Thursday, September 15, 2005 8:28:00 PM
Well Tyger, I'm not going to spam you with the "PLZ POST MOR VIDS" like a lot of people do, but know that a lot of us appreciate what you do, and should you ever again decide to make more vids, we'll be here to watch them. Probably doesn't get said enough, but thanks for all your work Tyger, I'd wouldn't be half as good a player without some of your vids. (and yes this is late, just got my internet back recently, playing catch-up.)
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 28, 2007 10:59:00 AM
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