Paintball DVD, interested?
Would 'yall be interested in a DVD that covered paintball in a way you haven't seen? I'm talking about the paintball lifestyle? A bit of stuff about fields, a bit about playing, a bit about games and events, in a video version of a magazine? Not an over-slicked and polished "TV Friendly" version of the game brought to you by media moguls, the "Ground Perspective" of the game.
If not that, then what would you like to see in a paintball DVD? A video by players, for players, the way WDR was, the way things should be.
When I said I was out, I meant it. I'm done with the industry, and I'm done with the hype and branding images. A lot of people flamed me for "not doing enough", so I've got an idea. I am done with paintball as it is now, but I'm not turnign my back on it. So, I'm fishing for interest.
If not that, then what would you like to see in a paintball DVD? A video by players, for players, the way WDR was, the way things should be.
When I said I was out, I meant it. I'm done with the industry, and I'm done with the hype and branding images. A lot of people flamed me for "not doing enough", so I've got an idea. I am done with paintball as it is now, but I'm not turnign my back on it. So, I'm fishing for interest.
Heck yea man! That would be awesome. Email me at so I can get a copy. Thanks for all the stuff you've been doing, I know you're done, but I would still like hear from you, even if it isn't paintball related. Later man.
Spec Ops Brigade
Wolf Scenario Productions
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 03, 2005 9:15:00 AM
id love one on the lyfestyle. show people what its really like, the comrodery (sp?) the fun. all aspects of the game. show the 'outsiders' what everyone is really like at the feid. and i know you would do a great job at making this film.
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 03, 2005 11:53:00 AM
I'd love to see this type of vid. Paintball is tons of fun, but if people are being intimidated by the pro teams, they aren't gonna wanna play. We need someone to show the newbs (and even the pros) what real, fun paintball is supposed to be.
WebDog fan.
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 03, 2005 6:29:00 PM confused. Did you quit playing paintball or just break away from tournys and what not?
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 03, 2005 6:52:00 PM
I'm bailing the mainstream, and I'm not playing as much as I used to. It'd be stupid of me to quit outright, I'm just going to let the train wreck happen now and wash my hands of it.
Rob "Tyger" Rubin, at Saturday, September 03, 2005 9:40:00 PM
Heck yeah i'd be interested! You learn something from everything that you see! A dvd from you might even fund WDR!
Anonymous, at Sunday, September 04, 2005 2:06:00 PM
yeah def interested,
Anonymous, at Monday, September 05, 2005 3:04:00 PM
It'd be pretty cool. Kinda like Warren Miller videos of paintball. If you're not familiar with his work, find some of his older stuff, most is funny as hell, the rest is just plain amazing.
Anonymous, at Monday, September 05, 2005 3:26:00 PM
Paintball lifestlye DVD- thumbs up!
Paintball DVD from Tyger- 2 thumbs up!
Anonymous, at Monday, September 05, 2005 4:31:00 PM
Tyger, a video about a real team would be awesome, but I think someone should make a video about a woodsball team. I dont think anyone has ever tried it, and I think thats one of the very untapped parts of paintball, as videos are concerned. I dont think I have ever seen a woodsball video.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, September 06, 2005 5:32:00 PM
I would love to see something about the history of paintball... maybe a timeline/progression of paintball, and a commentary/narration of various "highlights" of paintball events and landmarks.... and finishing at the modern-day paintball life.
If you need any extra footage... let me know.. i finally got my little video camera, and i like making home movies.
-Keith "WeapsO" Goldsmith
Anonymous, at Tuesday, September 06, 2005 10:29:00 PM
Tyger, a dvd on the real happenings of paintball would be worth it, the way you described it. Make it a video magazine showing the good, the bad, the ugly, and the priceless. People liek seeing the tourneys and scenarios and the goods times had by all, but there's still the darkside that people will nod their head and say "yes, it needs to stop," but they may not actually understand the severity of it until they can see it happen.
Any dvd put out under the name Tyger, or Webdog Radio, will be worth it to any paintballer.
TacScn Productions/Team SPUDS
Anonymous, at Wednesday, September 07, 2005 5:26:00 AM
Yeah man, i always went to webdogradio and now no more videos....can you send me one? email me at
Anonymous, at Wednesday, September 07, 2005 1:16:00 PM
excellent blog u got. sad to hear you're leaving the pball scene.
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 10, 2005 1:18:00 PM
Yea that would be amazing, but defitinaly get some woods in there.
Bryguy27007 (Spec Ops Forum)
Taste_The_Rainbow (Spec Ops Brigade)
Anonymous, at Friday, September 16, 2005 4:03:00 PM
Tyger, that would be sweet. Im sure the National Team Sons Of Liberty would be glad to help you out with a video. We're here to play the sport the way it was supposed to be played. FUN. contact me at
P.S. We mainly play woodsball and scenarios so thats the type of content that we could get you.
S.O.L Michigan Division
Anonymous, at Saturday, October 01, 2005 12:36:00 AM
Sure, this may be late at this point but I'd like to add my 2 cents anyway.
I think that the lifestyle approach would be great. I have only recently been able to view your WDR stuff and I have to say that the 8 Fields in 8 days impressed me the most of everything. (I'd like to try it myself someday...)
I think that a series(?) of documentary style vids following a player in one, a team in another, even a ref, field or event organizer would be fun to watch.
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 13, 2005 10:19:00 AM
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