This blog is now "more difficult" to comment in
Sorry guys. But, let me give you a taste of what spammers do :
6:59 pm
Go 4 yr Neighbours wife; Get Laid ...
Premium properties in India. Own it now Friend in Need by Abraham Sukumar Meet Old Pals.
stramento esercitaz is the owner of ABC exercisekegel exercise which is a premier resource for kegel exercise information.
for more information, go to (their webwsite)
Well gee thanks. I have such a need for property in India. Yep, I'm moving there next weekend. And What's up with the getting "laid" part? "go 4 yr"? Go for your? Go 4 year old Neighbor? Pedophilia is not on my agenda today, and I wear TWO gloves when I play paintball thank you large. Sickos.
7:09 pm
Israel prevents Rabin's killer from reproducing
In 1995, Jewish extremist Yigal Amir assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a Debt consolidation refinance site/blog. It pretty much covers Debt consolidation refinance related stuff.
Come and check it out if you get time :-)
Second spammer, and again going RIGHT for the gonads. First two lines have nothing to do with the spam. What does Rabin's killer have to do with a bottle test OR a refinance blog? And it' snot even a blog site, ya moron. You're scamming people on their last penny FOR their last penny.
7:13 pm
Been looking at blogs, found your Blog...
I have a Posters, Art Prints and Poetry site and blog.
Feel free to visit anytime. :)
Again, not a blog. Not even worth it. Like the "smile face" actually makes me believe you're not a spammer. 4 minutes after the last spammer.
7:31 pm
Dawn Eden's Blog On: Think big! HS twins tell peers
Most high schoolers' blogs are the online equivalent of perfumed diaries or locker-room walls - outlets for teens to gossip, confess and network with their pals.
It's so cool to be here - programy graficzne
I'm sensing a pattern here. Sex. Sex is what gets people to look at your blog, because you have nothing better to do with your time. Look, if you're having a hard time figurung out something to do, I can CERTAINLY offer advice.
7:41 pm
Hey, what's up? Listen, I read like 20 blogs per day and skim about 30 more so when I say you have a knack for writing, I mean it! Coming from the coolest guy on the planet. that's not to be taken lightly! ;-)
Anyways, happy blogging, keep it up! People like me DO actually read these things!
Dave the Blog Addict, The Planet's Coolest Guy!
Wow, u r so k3wl! SO k3wl you spam 20 - 30 blogs a day with your own BLOG SPAMMING PROGRAM! WOW! Can I be you? Please? I'll give you a dollar?
Better yet, I'll give you a cookie if you go away.
7:41 pm
Dawn Eden's Blog On: Think big! HS twins tell peers
Most high schoolers' blogs are the online equivalent of perfumed diaries or locker-room walls - outlets for teens to gossip, confess and network with their pals.
Hey, awesome blog here! I'm definitely enjoyed the visit we had.I have a gaming site/blog. It pretty much covers the world of games from video to texas holdem related stuff.
too late dude, you already hit me up and I've been on that masturbation thing since then.
And really, teenage blogs being a sex outlet and a "gaming site" are totally polar opposites of each other. Trust me on that.
7:42 pm
The Anti-Hillary
Got a scoop? Email your tips and suggestions to the editor. Premium Blog Ad Blog Ads Classifieds Amazon About The Site Taegan D. Goddard is the creator of Political Wire, a political column updated around the ...
Great Blog! If you have time see my ##MLM## related site. enjoy! It pretty much covers ##MLM## related stuff.
MLM : Multi-Level Marketing. Also known as "steal all your money if you're not the one organising this scam." Yah, that's a good one. Spam my blog too with it. Yeah, I'll be happy to multi-level you. Your feet stay on level 1, your head, however, goes right up to level 7...
7:55 pm
Danbury man sees Palestinian side of conflict
Chris Towne of Danbury sits on a camel with Bedouin children in the Negev desert in Israel while delivering water with a peace action group in July.
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a Frisco Texas site/blog. It pretty much covers Frisco Texas related stuff. This is a great place to find info about Frisco Texas
Come and check it out if you get time :-)
Ok, umm, what does TEXAS have to do with Palestine? I hate people that do this stuff, so I'm taking measures to remove this problem.
As of now, there's a human-proover security on the site. It SHOULD still allow anyone to reply to blog entries, but you'll need to put in a series of letters that are randomly generated to do it. Sorry, but I really dislike spammers.
6:59 pm
Go 4 yr Neighbours wife; Get Laid ...
Premium properties in India. Own it now Friend in Need by Abraham Sukumar Meet Old Pals.
stramento esercitaz is the owner of ABC exercisekegel exercise which is a premier resource for kegel exercise information.
for more information, go to (their webwsite)
Well gee thanks. I have such a need for property in India. Yep, I'm moving there next weekend. And What's up with the getting "laid" part? "go 4 yr"? Go for your? Go 4 year old Neighbor? Pedophilia is not on my agenda today, and I wear TWO gloves when I play paintball thank you large. Sickos.
7:09 pm
Israel prevents Rabin's killer from reproducing
In 1995, Jewish extremist Yigal Amir assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a Debt consolidation refinance site/blog. It pretty much covers Debt consolidation refinance related stuff.
Come and check it out if you get time :-)
Second spammer, and again going RIGHT for the gonads. First two lines have nothing to do with the spam. What does Rabin's killer have to do with a bottle test OR a refinance blog? And it' snot even a blog site, ya moron. You're scamming people on their last penny FOR their last penny.
7:13 pm
Been looking at blogs, found your Blog...
I have a Posters, Art Prints and Poetry site and blog.
Feel free to visit anytime. :)
Again, not a blog. Not even worth it. Like the "smile face" actually makes me believe you're not a spammer. 4 minutes after the last spammer.
7:31 pm
Dawn Eden's Blog On: Think big! HS twins tell peers
Most high schoolers' blogs are the online equivalent of perfumed diaries or locker-room walls - outlets for teens to gossip, confess and network with their pals.
It's so cool to be here - programy graficzne
I'm sensing a pattern here. Sex. Sex is what gets people to look at your blog, because you have nothing better to do with your time. Look, if you're having a hard time figurung out something to do, I can CERTAINLY offer advice.
7:41 pm
Hey, what's up? Listen, I read like 20 blogs per day and skim about 30 more so when I say you have a knack for writing, I mean it! Coming from the coolest guy on the planet. that's not to be taken lightly! ;-)
Anyways, happy blogging, keep it up! People like me DO actually read these things!
Dave the Blog Addict, The Planet's Coolest Guy!
Wow, u r so k3wl! SO k3wl you spam 20 - 30 blogs a day with your own BLOG SPAMMING PROGRAM! WOW! Can I be you? Please? I'll give you a dollar?
Better yet, I'll give you a cookie if you go away.
7:41 pm
Dawn Eden's Blog On: Think big! HS twins tell peers
Most high schoolers' blogs are the online equivalent of perfumed diaries or locker-room walls - outlets for teens to gossip, confess and network with their pals.
Hey, awesome blog here! I'm definitely enjoyed the visit we had.I have a gaming site/blog. It pretty much covers the world of games from video to texas holdem related stuff.
too late dude, you already hit me up and I've been on that masturbation thing since then.
And really, teenage blogs being a sex outlet and a "gaming site" are totally polar opposites of each other. Trust me on that.
7:42 pm
The Anti-Hillary
Got a scoop? Email your tips and suggestions to the editor. Premium Blog Ad Blog Ads Classifieds Amazon About The Site Taegan D. Goddard is the creator of Political Wire, a political column updated around the ...
Great Blog! If you have time see my ##MLM## related site. enjoy! It pretty much covers ##MLM## related stuff.
MLM : Multi-Level Marketing. Also known as "steal all your money if you're not the one organising this scam." Yah, that's a good one. Spam my blog too with it. Yeah, I'll be happy to multi-level you. Your feet stay on level 1, your head, however, goes right up to level 7...
7:55 pm
Danbury man sees Palestinian side of conflict
Chris Towne of Danbury sits on a camel with Bedouin children in the Negev desert in Israel while delivering water with a peace action group in July.
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a Frisco Texas site/blog. It pretty much covers Frisco Texas related stuff. This is a great place to find info about Frisco Texas
Come and check it out if you get time :-)
Ok, umm, what does TEXAS have to do with Palestine? I hate people that do this stuff, so I'm taking measures to remove this problem.
As of now, there's a human-proover security on the site. It SHOULD still allow anyone to reply to blog entries, but you'll need to put in a series of letters that are randomly generated to do it. Sorry, but I really dislike spammers.
Dude, get over it.
Seriously, you take things way too personally, spammers and otherwise.
Your show wasn't nearly as great as you seem to think, but it did amuse me every once in a while.
Anonymous, at Monday, August 29, 2005 5:59:00 PM
...says the guy who needs to tell me.
Umm, dude? Sarcasim. Social commentary. Satire. Learn what it is, then read the Blog. This is "Entertainment".
I love how people put their own agenda and opinions on what I do so they can inflate their own egos.
Oh, and when your show comes out, which will be so much better than mine obviously, I'll look forward to seeing people tell you that your show, and indeed you as a human being, is not as good as you think you are. Lovely ego you have sir, too bad it's built on slamming others.
Rob "Tyger" Rubin, at Monday, August 29, 2005 8:12:00 PM
Your blog cracked me up. I'm glad this is more of a happy one (unless i misunderstood it). Keep 'em comin, we'll keep reading.
P.s. Ever since i heard you were a writer i had wanted to read more of what you write, i'm glad you have this free venue (free for me, anyway) where people can enjoy what you have to say.
Anonymous, at Monday, August 29, 2005 10:19:00 PM
Darn, forgot to say it was me.
Anonymous, at Monday, August 29, 2005 10:19:00 PM
It's all about the entertainment value.
Actually, if you wanna help me out, check out the ads on the side. They're there so I can try to make a little something from it. And besides, there's some killer shiznet on those sites. I'm looking for others people will like to find.
Rob "Tyger" Rubin, at Monday, August 29, 2005 10:34:00 PM
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