"And thank you for sharing"
I was going through my youtube comments today. What a lot of people may or may not know is that when you post a video, and someone comments, youtube sends you e-mail. Well I've been hella-buzy for the last few days, so I haven't had to check until now. And on the video for FPS 5, someone left this lovely comment.
You know, I have more than a few ways to go with this, but I'll simply say this. History has proven to me that if you ignore people who hate based on religion that they only tend to get louder and more violent until you pay attention to them. And I'll also say that this isn't the first time that I've had to deal with people in this sport who bash based on religion. And reading the feedback left for this guy is enlightening.
And I would like to publicly let the people at Chicagoland Paintball know that they have someone on staff who seems to hate Jews for whatever reason.
So "Chaimy49er", thank you for sharing. You can go back to your desk now.
wow ur a fucking jew whos gives a shit if someone says ur coming up thats only illegal in toynament and that movie suck and u suck at paintball... i work there
You know, I have more than a few ways to go with this, but I'll simply say this. History has proven to me that if you ignore people who hate based on religion that they only tend to get louder and more violent until you pay attention to them. And I'll also say that this isn't the first time that I've had to deal with people in this sport who bash based on religion. And reading the feedback left for this guy is enlightening.
And I would like to publicly let the people at Chicagoland Paintball know that they have someone on staff who seems to hate Jews for whatever reason.
So "Chaimy49er", thank you for sharing. You can go back to your desk now.
Labels: local fields, paintball, recball, speedball
(shaking my head)
Anonymous, at Wednesday, January 09, 2008 6:17:00 PM
I hate jews too, race and religion, but that guy doesn't know what he's talking about.
Anonymous, at Thursday, January 10, 2008 11:46:00 AM
Ah, don't worry too much Tyger. In my area and online in general these types of idiots are dwindeling, while the more curtious players are on the rise.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, January 22, 2008 6:35:00 PM
Rob you may just be the last real paintball player. Hopefully people will follow your good example ... seriously man its good to know someone is out playing and being honest
Anonymous, at Tuesday, January 22, 2008 10:36:00 PM
I wouldn't worry too much about this asinine stuff Tyger. Youtube is the basement of the internet.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, February 06, 2008 10:14:00 AM
Tyger, what scenario and big games are you going to this year? Any suggestions?
Anonymous, at Tuesday, February 26, 2008 9:33:00 PM
I dig Rob and his videos, i wish he made more
Anonymous, at Thursday, March 06, 2008 7:32:00 PM
Youtube comments can shake a man's faith in the whole of humanity, so don't take it as an indictment of paintballers alone. The comments on most of your instructional videos (which are amazing by the way, thanks for all the effort you put into them) are generally polite & tame- for youtube. Any controversial issues attract far more snap judgments and hate; it's too bad you caught some flack too.
I hope you can see too that while things are pretty bad, old school attitude will never die, and is even making a minor resurgence in the new generation of players, including myself and my friends. We've always played with honor, even though other players may cheat.
I think one visible indicator of this is the prevalence of pump players at the fields I go to, a small but dedicated minority. These players aren't old guys who didn't want to change; they are guys squarely in the middle of the pb age bracket, 17-22ish. As has been frequently pointed out, there is a pump/one ball mentality that is not constrained by the actual gun used, as there are also attitudes of honor and good conduct.
These attitudes (and/or shooting a phantom) are choices that are not popular in mainstream paint ball culture, which can make it difficult to stand by them. Each of these choices puts you at a disadvantage, which you may or may not be able to overcome through 'tude, tactics, and skill. I imagine that at higher levels of competition than normal rec-ball each would also be much harder to maintain. However, from what I've seen in the limited years that I've played, players who stand consistently by these values tend to be well respected by their fellow players. Although cheating is often known or acknowledged, few people encourage it, and a majority of players would condemn a consistent cheater even as they might wipe once in a blue moon during a crappy game. I think these facts are on the whole somewhat encouraging.
(A random guy from the net who spent too much time watching your pb videos on youtube)
swim against gravity, at Tuesday, April 01, 2008 5:29:00 AM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown, at Monday, May 12, 2008 12:39:00 PM
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