"Blood Red Paint" revisited
this post is mirrored from one I made on the Special Ops Paintball forum. The question was asked if red paint was considered ok. A lot of replies were, for lack of a better term, laissez-faire. "I don't care" Or that it made the game more "realistic" and was cool. This is my public response.
*turns on "Dead Kennedys" CD*
You know what? I've argued against this, I've written an article that was published in APG some time ago. And you know what? It dawns on me that, for the most part, nobody in paintball seems to give a rats tail about what anyone outside of the game thinks about it.
So I would like to make a proposal here. Let's just go all out. Pull out the stops and make paintball so close to the "real thing" that calling it a simulation would be doing it a disservice. Let's bring back the "Wolf's Lair" style of play where paintball is a completely immersive experience. Why not bring back the old catchphrase of calling paintball the "Friendly wargame", but let's put a 21st century turn on it. I mean it's no different than playing some of the more violent video games now, except this is realer than real.
First of all let's all use blood red paint. That'd be cool, right? Even better we can buy paint based on our owd blood type! "A" being like whitebox, "B" being like a low end rec-ball, "AB" is like your high end, and "O" being like your high-grade tourneyball. Let's embrace the whole "We're killing each other" mentality. Heck, let's even make a "paint knife" we can mount with a bayonet lug on the barrel too. It could even be removable for throat slashes when you get close to an enemy.
Next, we'll all use the same guns we have now. No need in making everyone buy a replica gun, right? But in 2-3 years we'll make it necessary to use an upgrade body kit to make your marker look more like an M-16, H&K of your choice, or any given machine gun. We'll still let you shoot all the paint you want, unlike real firearms which would MELT if they were shot as hard as a paintgun. I mean this is all "fantasy", right?
Everyone must wear BDU's. No jerseys allowed. You can wear replica WW1, WW2, Korean or Vietnam uniforms if you want, but no pullover, jerseys, jumpsuits (unless you're a pilot). There are exceptions. If you're chosen persona is a guerrilla fighter, you may wear jeans and a t-shirt. You can also wear specific clothing associated with other ethnicities of war-torn areas as long as you can prove it with a photograph from a major news source.
When you arrive, you will have a name card printed out with your chosen persona, and you will be expected to have dog-tags made within a month to replace it. If the field is on the ball, they'll have an embossing machine on site. Nobody will use barrel plugs or socks, as they don't look "realistic" in the staging area. So if a gun goes off and hits someone in the face, so be it. Stupid things happen in "basic" all the time. You may wear goggles and mask, but only if the mask has been modified to look like something militaristic. This is, naturally, a judgment call from the management. Otherwise, goggles only is preferred. Face paint optional, but recommended. Teams will be chosen based on what people are wearing. If you look "American" you go over there, if you look like (insert racial slur of the week) you go over there.
Then when you play, a few special rules apply. There is no point blank rule, instead your team gets bonus points for making an opponent surrender. Surrendered opponents will be disarmed, handcuffed with plastic strip-tape binders, and marched back to base. Once there, they can, at the discretion of the capturing team, be interrogated in any way that is deemed fit. a referee "adviser" will watch the interrogation to make sure it does not leave any long-lasting wounds or marks. Any player who permanently injures another during an interrogation will be thrown out for the day. And the waiver you sign hold the field harmless for any injuries through interrogation. Really, it does. Srsly. k thx bi.
If you are hit in the chest of head, you're dead. You can not move, and you have to have your body dragged back to a staging area. Once there, you will receive your death certificate and be escorted back to your vehicle as you are done for the day. If all your party is killed, you are given your exit papers and you must leave the premises. If you come back, you must have a different "character" in mind.
If you get hit in the arm or belly, you're wounded. You can heal yourself, or have a medic heal you. But you may not use that limb anymore. If you return to the field on later weekends, your wound will still be in effect until the "natural" heal time has taken effect. 2 months or so should be enough, I mean this is all just "for fun" right? Any gun hit disables the gun. You have to spend money (real money, not fake stuff) to get it "fixed" before you can play with it at the field ever again. The gunsmith will fix the damaged gun (wipe it off) and return it to you.
And cheaters? Well if you get caught cheating let's say that the punishment will be worse than any interrogation a player can come up with. And you will be gently persuaded to never cheat again, let alone come back to the field.
So let's do this, really. Let's make paintball more "realistic". Let's embrace the war-like ideals and the "we love combat" mentality. And when the press grills us, and the law-makers make the citizens terrified of us, and laws are passed to regulate paintball we can take the usual paintball stance of "WE have no idea why you hate us! We're just having fun! We're not doing anything wrong! You'd understand if you played once! Paintball isn't like war!" But it is when you intentionally blur the lines.
Perception is half the reason that paintball is still held in disdain by people with some governmental power. We learned this back in the 90's and worked to change the image of paintball. "We" because all the players did what we could. We stopped talking about "guns", calling them "markers". We didn't talk about "kills" and "bullets", we changed the field locations and toned down on the para-military look. And now, we've come full circle. ESPN airs players talking about "killing" the other players with their "gats", and the rec-ball world wants to make the game more "realistic", as if playing paintball wasn't "extreme" enough.
"Blood red paint" is a small thing, but it blurs that line. Paintball ceases to be a sport and becomes mock combat, if only in the eyes of a paranoid lawmaker. Seen it before, listening to the Wisconsin DNR "expert researcher" who lectured to a group of lawmakers about how paintball warriors would storm the woods using fully-automatic machine paintguns and shoot blood red paint at each other in order to kill opponents. Sobering moment for all us players, industry types and field owners in attendance, because he passed this off as absolute truth.
There's a reason that we tried to get rid of these perceptions back in the 90's. Yes, it's a pain in the tail. Yes, it's overly "PC". Yes, a lot of us didn't like changing the language to suit people who didn't even play paintball. But you know what? If it means that a person in political power doesn't get the wrong impression about paintball and decides to not throw paintball markers into a proposed ban or regulation of firearms, I'll inconvenience myself and call it an "elimination" instead of a "kill".
Oh, and before you say this is unrealistic, ask "AussieBloke" about his gun cabinet.
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Labels: paintball, recball, red paint, scenario paintball, woodsball
You forgot real helicopter insertions and air raid bombings.
Paintball and realistic shouldn't be used in the same sentence unless there the words "is not" and it's used to describe the game and everyone likes it that way. I hate how scenarios are striving to go that extra mile for realism and players drop $1k to get a look down. At heart I think tourney players and milsim are the same in that they strive for a look.
Hole in one Tyger, hole in one.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 21, 2007 10:14:00 AM
Obviously, this isn't about the blood red paint. I really don't see that particular problem as an issue any longer. However, you raise very good points in how the public perceives paintball.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 21, 2007 10:37:00 PM
It's a part of a larger problem. Hells Survivors still sells, and markets the fact that they sell, blood red paint. It's a major selling point to them. The only reason the tourney guys don't use it is because it's a banned color, or you know they'd "blood splatter" their opponents.
It's not just the public, it's how we perceive ourselves. And as long as we assume we're bulletproof, we're just asking to be "Swiss cheesed" out of existence due to our own idiocy.
Rob "Tyger" Rubin, at Wednesday, August 22, 2007 6:22:00 AM
Honestly I think the milsim thing is going a bit far in a lot of cases.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, August 22, 2007 12:00:00 PM
^10-shot kid (my b)
Anonymous, at Wednesday, August 22, 2007 12:01:00 PM
Didn't we come into existence BECAUSE we were a safe alternative to real war? Obviously there are huge differences, but the main draw of paintball to many people is the woodsball/mil-sim side. Are we going to alienate them to become more 'viewer friendly'? Even though the vast majority of paintball players are recballers who have 'paintball wars' every few months in the woods or at the local rec field?
Doesn't paintball then start to lose some of what made it such a big sport in the first place?
Anonymous, at Wednesday, August 22, 2007 11:17:00 PM
^That said, I personally think that in order to 'mainstream' the sport, a removal of woodsball from the public eye will become either necessary or woodsball will need to become incredibly publicized to the point of video games, where it is just accepted as is.
I'm a huge advocate of creating a 'PC' paintball image. But there have to be concessions on both sides of the change. Extremism is the one thing that must be avoided when dealing with issues like this.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, August 22, 2007 11:24:00 PM
dana, paintball started off based on the story "the most dangerous game" not milsim reinactments. The milsim thing goes in and out as a fad. Both sides (milsim+anitmilsim) go way to far.
Back when there was an antimilsim fad I posted a picture of a kp2 I owned I had kids give me grief on how it looked too real. Now though the opposite is the new fad, competely pro mislsim in a fanatical manner.
All Tyger is saying is that there is a line and bluring it isn't a good choice. Sure, milsim guns sorta blur the line, but it's over the top recently and blood red paint is an example. From what I've heard from friends who went OK D-day was another example.
People frequently forget they are playing paintball. I have a K-frame on my PGP stroker, but have purposely kept the body looking like a paintball gun. I wear cammo a lot of the time when I play locally but I keep military patches and the like off of it.
M paintgun isn't a gun, gat, whatever, it's a paintgun (or marker). My eliminations arn't kills. This is because two reasons,
1. I have friends who are over in the sand box and that shit is serious
2. I don't like people to think of paintball as a wargame cause it ain't. Never has been. This is coming to you from a scenario player.
"Doesn't paintball then start to lose some of what made it such a big sport in the first place?"
When did paintball skyrocket again?
10-shot kid
Anonymous, at Wednesday, August 22, 2007 11:35:00 PM
Once again I'm reading in Tyger's blog, something that's apparently going on in middle America, which has absolutely **no bearing** on what's happening in my own country. Trends do not necessarily/always jump the pond. Milsim isn't any more or less popular here/now than it was before.
That said, is title of your blog is a little weird considering the theme. The theme is realism, wheras the paint colour is only a part of it.
I never understood why some people think red is sooooooo taboo just because it's the same colour as your blood. What the hell is so special about that? It's ONLY a colour. If blood was green then green would be the bad colour.
It's not the colour's fault, don't bash the colour. Critisizing a trend towards excessive realism is one thing, but crisisizing the colour is...... yeah, racist.
Just ask Martin Luther King.
Anonymous, at Monday, August 27, 2007 2:59:00 AM
you have very point of view in how the people rightnow perceives on paintball.
Anonymous, at Thursday, September 06, 2007 1:48:00 PM
Nice post man. Like Dana said earlier, it wasn't really about the paint, but here is my opinion on it: red is just another color of fill to me. It's no different than orange, green, or blue. And why not allow it? I'd love blue fill (haven't seen any at my field... :( ) simply because blue is my favorite color. What about all those people who like red? Not that my mom plays paintball, but if she did, I'm sure she'd want red paint, and it's not because she likes blood... :P
Also, I think the milsim guys do go too far. I think some of the guns look pretty cool, but there is a line. Personally, I'm not going to buy anything that doesn't actually do something for my gun. I'm going to get an expansion chamber for my BT-4, and it's going to be the magazine style, instead of the handle, because in my opinion, the magazine looks a lot better. That being said, would I buy just the magazine to put on my gun when I have the handle? No. And the Apex barrel? I might get the AK47 style with the Apex on the end, again, because I like that look. But it also adds a very significant factor to my gun through the Apex. (Which does work mind you!) I'm also getting a sight rail to put a sight I recently bought to put on my marker. Not because it looks cool, but because I want to be a little more accurate.
On another note, great blog man. I actually went through and read most of the archives. :D I find your writings very interesting. Keep up the good work!
War Master from the Spec Ops forums
Anonymous, at Sunday, September 09, 2007 4:58:00 PM
"^That said, I personally think that in order to 'mainstream' the sport, a removal of woodsball from the public eye will become either necessary or woodsball will need to become incredibly publicized to the point of video games, where it is just accepted as is.
I'm a huge advocate of creating a 'PC' paintball image. But there have to be concessions on both sides of the change. Extremism is the one thing that must be avoided when dealing with issues like this."
- Dana
Well, I didn't read that before I posted. I do think mil-sim needs to be toned down a lot, but not to the point that woodsball is no longer public, in the way that you said. I would love to see woodsball DVD's and things like that. I also like all the articles about woods/scenario ball in Action Pursuit Games. It just needs to be seen in a good light instead of the "crazies with assault rifles preparing for war". If more people see woodsball in a good light, that means more people to play with!
War Master from the Spec Ops forums
Anonymous, at Sunday, September 09, 2007 5:04:00 PM
Here's the thing.
When you hear a DNR researcher tell government officials that paintball players ALL (emphasis on the "all" word) wear battle dress uniforms, shoot fully automatic paintball weapons, and shoot blood red paint at each other to simulate combat, that's a wake-up call.
2002, January, Wisconsin DNR hearing. They wanted to ban paintball games, guns and equipment from DNR land. Meaning if I wore my paintball boots in a forest preserve, I'd be jailed and/or fined. We stopped that one.
Thing is, you can't hit many more hot-buttons than that researcher did. And this is a guy who was paid to be a non-biased researcher! So when people talk about "blood red paint", it hits home to me because I've SEEN the fallout from things like it.
It's one of the reasons I don't like milsim in the hands of people who don't know what they're doing either. Why give people any more ammunition to turn paintball back a decade? We're already doing it ourselves, why do we need to hand it over to people with agendas?
Rob "Tyger" Rubin, at Sunday, September 09, 2007 5:47:00 PM
Man, your right, and it's pretty sad. I agree with everything you said there.
I would still like to see the mil-sim look, but, like you said, not with people who don't know what their doing. If you have a milsim marker, be smart! I don't really know how to put that, but I'll say this: ignorant people, or vandals, or anyone like that, do not need paintball guns at all, much less milsim markers.
I don't think I even have to say how much I don't want things to go the way you've been talking about.
I don't really know that there's much more I can say on the issue, other than yeah, I do agree with you.
And on my post from before where I talked about the color of paint; not BLOOD red, but I would like a red-ish color. And not pink.
War Master at Spec Ops
Anonymous, at Monday, September 10, 2007 7:57:00 PM
"I would still like to see the mil-sim look, but, like you said, not with people who don't know what their doing. If you have a milsim marker, be smart! I don't really know how to put that, but I'll say this: ignorant people, or vandals, or anyone like that, do not need paintball guns at all, much less milsim markers. "
- josh
like those basterds who keep going around shooting signs near where i live. they give me and my friends a bad name, because people who know we paintball at my buddies field think its us.
Turbolen, at Friday, September 21, 2007 7:13:00 PM
get back on the stick and post something new so I can comment in my blog!
They played paintball in the 50s and I can prove it!
The Gnome
Unknown, at Friday, November 23, 2007 11:39:00 AM
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