Speedball stereotypes
I originally posted this over on the Spec Ops forum. Someone asked about speedball and why people hate it. It's not a matter of hating it as much as I know going into it what's going to happen. I said it before, speedball is predictable. But instead of the field, let's talk about the people you meet.
When I go play, about 60% of the people there are pretty cool. They're just playing 'ball, and that's fine.
The other 40% think they're tournament players. Or more correctly, they think they can act like the worst you've seen tournament players act because they know they can get away with it. These are the guys screaming profanity, doing "wiper slides", overshooting people, and acting like morons. See FPS 5 to get my meaning here. These people will act "normal" if they think there's a possibility of getting something out of it, or if they know you're filming them. FPS 5 I saw a lot of people behaving VERY poorly, because they had no idea they would see themselves on the net later.
And out of those 40% you get specific stereotypes.
"I'm-Tha-Leader" Before the game they're telling you where to go, what to do, and they usually do so in order to put themselves in position to get a flag hang or more "kills". But he's more subtle than to just admit it. He's "trying to get the team a win". It's even more humorous when this person hasn't been alive longer than my paintgun has existed. Come to think of it, this is the stereotype player who's most likely to try to steal paint from my box.
"I'm-Tha-BESTEST" This is the guy who knows he's the best player in the building. Just ask him. He'll brag for hours about his gun, his jersey, his pants, where he's been, what he's done... but on the field he hugs a back bunker and screams profanity at someone while doing his best to ignore or hide a hit on his brand new "Halo". This guy is almost always the one who shoots a string and starts screaming stuff that the "TOS" won't let me replicate in print. And if you DO manage to shoot him, he'll talk for days about how he could have lit you up and how you got a lucky shot on his back like that. He's so much better than that, he let you get him. No, really, he did.
"I'm-Tha-PRO!" Every field has one. The guy who's been to "NPPL" and "PSP" events with his team, which qualifies him to denounce any product he doesn't use or isn't "sponsored" by. And by "sponsorship" I mean that this guy bought stuff with his team at about $10 under retail price direct from the company. Funny, they never tell you that their team has never made it past the first day of an event, but that doesn't matter. He's sponsored, he's on an "NPPL" team, and he'll be buying a new gun next year because the one he has now won't be "cool" enough next year.
"I'm-Tha-CHEAT" If they were small and yellow, I'd like this guy. But they're not. This is the kid who watches the videos to learn how to get rid of hits, and decides that doing this to walk-ons would be really cool. "They won't know." and if he gets caught he's full of excuses. "It's an old hit" "It's splatter" "It's not like it's a real game." You know what kid? When you graduate high school and get a McJob because you cheated on your SAT and can't hack it in college, I'm gonna laugh at you.
"I'm-tha-SHOOTIST" This is kinda like the "Bestest" player except this guy showed up with one goal in mind. He has $100 to burn and it's hard to get Cuban cigars. He wears the largest pod pack his body can, and usually has 9 pods and a full HALO with the fastest shooting gun he can find. This guy can actually be useful, providing that he can actually hit something more than the ground and walls. He shoots "lanes", which is a fancy term for putting 100 balls downfield.
"I'm-tha-GLORYHOUND" He's easy to spot. He's making the most noise before, and AFTER the game. He's like the "leader" except this guy doesn't hide the fact that he wants to be LaSoy Sauce. He's usually a front guy, and doesn't as much slide into the 50 as much as has a controlled collision with the planet. He also is fixated on "Bunkering foos", and will rub it in people's faces that he "Bunkered" them. Yeah, really hard to bunker that new guy who isn't sure how the safety of his rental gun works.
Edit add from "usagi_tetsu", which I'm putting in this because his descriprion is just too perfect :
"I'm-teh-AGG". This player will always have the utter edge of coolness in paintball. What's cool this month, a bathrobe, some bunny slippers and a kid's floaty with a duckhead on it? He's got 'em and swears that he couldn't play without having them. The latest marker, hopper, air tank, drop, etc., all can be found in his gear bag, which he could try to make money by letting the paintball rags take their cover shots from. And it does not matter what he used last month, whatever ain't cool is downright "stoopid" and won't do at all. Usually seen being transported around by Mommy, 'cause let's face it, she's the one doing all this heavy money dropping.
There's probably a lot more, but that'll do for now.
So how about woods stereotypes? I'll save that for another rant. Believe me, there's more than a few there too.
When I go play, about 60% of the people there are pretty cool. They're just playing 'ball, and that's fine.
The other 40% think they're tournament players. Or more correctly, they think they can act like the worst you've seen tournament players act because they know they can get away with it. These are the guys screaming profanity, doing "wiper slides", overshooting people, and acting like morons. See FPS 5 to get my meaning here. These people will act "normal" if they think there's a possibility of getting something out of it, or if they know you're filming them. FPS 5 I saw a lot of people behaving VERY poorly, because they had no idea they would see themselves on the net later.
And out of those 40% you get specific stereotypes.
"I'm-Tha-Leader" Before the game they're telling you where to go, what to do, and they usually do so in order to put themselves in position to get a flag hang or more "kills". But he's more subtle than to just admit it. He's "trying to get the team a win". It's even more humorous when this person hasn't been alive longer than my paintgun has existed. Come to think of it, this is the stereotype player who's most likely to try to steal paint from my box.
"I'm-Tha-BESTEST" This is the guy who knows he's the best player in the building. Just ask him. He'll brag for hours about his gun, his jersey, his pants, where he's been, what he's done... but on the field he hugs a back bunker and screams profanity at someone while doing his best to ignore or hide a hit on his brand new "Halo". This guy is almost always the one who shoots a string and starts screaming stuff that the "TOS" won't let me replicate in print. And if you DO manage to shoot him, he'll talk for days about how he could have lit you up and how you got a lucky shot on his back like that. He's so much better than that, he let you get him. No, really, he did.
"I'm-Tha-PRO!" Every field has one. The guy who's been to "NPPL" and "PSP" events with his team, which qualifies him to denounce any product he doesn't use or isn't "sponsored" by. And by "sponsorship" I mean that this guy bought stuff with his team at about $10 under retail price direct from the company. Funny, they never tell you that their team has never made it past the first day of an event, but that doesn't matter. He's sponsored, he's on an "NPPL" team, and he'll be buying a new gun next year because the one he has now won't be "cool" enough next year.
"I'm-Tha-CHEAT" If they were small and yellow, I'd like this guy. But they're not. This is the kid who watches the videos to learn how to get rid of hits, and decides that doing this to walk-ons would be really cool. "They won't know." and if he gets caught he's full of excuses. "It's an old hit" "It's splatter" "It's not like it's a real game." You know what kid? When you graduate high school and get a McJob because you cheated on your SAT and can't hack it in college, I'm gonna laugh at you.
"I'm-tha-SHOOTIST" This is kinda like the "Bestest" player except this guy showed up with one goal in mind. He has $100 to burn and it's hard to get Cuban cigars. He wears the largest pod pack his body can, and usually has 9 pods and a full HALO with the fastest shooting gun he can find. This guy can actually be useful, providing that he can actually hit something more than the ground and walls. He shoots "lanes", which is a fancy term for putting 100 balls downfield.
"I'm-tha-GLORYHOUND" He's easy to spot. He's making the most noise before, and AFTER the game. He's like the "leader" except this guy doesn't hide the fact that he wants to be LaSoy Sauce. He's usually a front guy, and doesn't as much slide into the 50 as much as has a controlled collision with the planet. He also is fixated on "Bunkering foos", and will rub it in people's faces that he "Bunkered" them. Yeah, really hard to bunker that new guy who isn't sure how the safety of his rental gun works.
Edit add from "usagi_tetsu", which I'm putting in this because his descriprion is just too perfect :
"I'm-teh-AGG". This player will always have the utter edge of coolness in paintball. What's cool this month, a bathrobe, some bunny slippers and a kid's floaty with a duckhead on it? He's got 'em and swears that he couldn't play without having them. The latest marker, hopper, air tank, drop, etc., all can be found in his gear bag, which he could try to make money by letting the paintball rags take their cover shots from. And it does not matter what he used last month, whatever ain't cool is downright "stoopid" and won't do at all. Usually seen being transported around by Mommy, 'cause let's face it, she's the one doing all this heavy money dropping.
There's probably a lot more, but that'll do for now.
So how about woods stereotypes? I'll save that for another rant. Believe me, there's more than a few there too.
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Very good points as always, my personal belief is that speedballers are afraid of being thought as the loser or the rookie or the noob whatever, and most of these people who believe this are under 18 or so, they just can't accept the fact that someone is better or even someone got luckier than them, but the field i play at its really not a big problem so i dunno. Just the thoughts of a 16 year old.
Anonymous, at Monday, August 07, 2006 9:44:00 PM
*heh* I would be laughing louder, except I've met all those people, and even been some of them at one point or another. *shrug* We're allowed to grow up, ain't we? Ah, so glad I don't do that anymore, as I can't afford that volume of paint.
And you forgot one archetype: I'm-teh-AGG. This player will always have the utter edge of coolness in paintball. What's cool this month, a bathrobe, some bunny slippers and a kid's floaty with a duckhead on it? He's got 'em and swears that he couldn't play without having them. The latest marker, hopper, air tank, drop, etc., all can be found in his gear bag, which he could try to make money by letting the paintball rags take their cover shots from. And it does not matter what he used last month, whatever ain't cool is downright "stoopid" and won't do at all. Usually seen being transported around by Mommy, 'cause let's face it, she's the one doing all this heavy money dropping.
Last request: after the woodsball archetypes, how about the online forum archetypes? *evil grin*
Anonymous, at Wednesday, August 09, 2006 4:36:00 AM
TEH AGG!!!! HOW could I forget that!?!?!one!!
Woodsballer stereotypes coming soon, promise. Just need to think 'bout it a bit more.
And somoene already DID onlne forum types... Flame Warriors. Hopefully, this will accept HTML. :)
Rob "Tyger" Rubin, at Wednesday, August 09, 2006 5:51:00 AM
hahahaha we have alot of the teh agg people, the people who actually buy stuff off of www.pbfashion.com isn't that kind of homosexual Paintball fasihon??
Anonymous, at Wednesday, August 09, 2006 8:15:00 PM
Luckily I haven't bumpped into any of these stereotypes. The only 2 commercial speed fields in Reno have closed their doors, and most players just hit the abundance of BLM or forestry land in the area.
Once I went to a field in Northern Cali and played a spool field there. My woodsball budies and I were on the same team (old school A5OG- yeah) and we were up against jerserys for the most part.
I hung in the back to cover my buds, who did a lot of damage. A few were taken out, and I got boored, so I started moving up the left side.
I must have been forgotten about in the back (I wasn't shooting much) and I caught a jersey at the snake, looking cross field, with his right side competely exposed to me. So, I take my stock A5, and pop off two rounds at him. Both tag him in the side, and he had the most surprised look on his face.
Later I apologized for "overshooting" him, citing a stock A5 being so crappy compared to his gun, who know's where the first shot might go- so I need to shoot two.
He didn't look so happy the rest of the day.
Anonymous, at Friday, August 18, 2006 11:40:00 AM
You forgot another one "Im-teh- 1337 or 1337est" a player very much like the "the pro" and "glory hound" This guy goes about how he "Ow3ned" the "n00b" in that bunker when of course, the player had all odds against him (new player, gun problems and others realized it, the only guy left going against 3 or more players that have surronded him and are keeping him pinned down behind a bunker, etc etc) has the vocab of a 3 yr old crossed with someone who is busy constantly chatting on the "sp33db4llAs!!!111one" forum when he isn't playing bragging about his skills. Does it mostly for attention. When he is tagged out, he blames his "crappy" equipment as the problem.
Anonymous, at Monday, August 21, 2006 6:03:00 PM
Hey Tyger,
Damn loved this blog, very entertaining!. Can't wait for the blog on woodsball steroetypes... I reckon I'll fit in there somewhere :)...
PS- Post it on the Lapco forum!!!
Anonymous, at Thursday, September 14, 2006 12:21:00 AM
I am 14 years old, have a tight budjet, and i try to have my friends over as often as i can to play paintball at my house in about 5 acres of woodland.
I absolutely agree with Tyger about speedball and the steriotypes. I have played speedball once and i do realize how different it is than woodsball.My friend and I built a small speedball field with old stuff and bunkers by ourself when we werent paintballing. We got ideas of the internet, it was fun to build. I think in speedball if your can pull the trigger faster than everyone else, u'll win.
I usualy have about 5-9 friends over. One of my freinds(Brian) agrees alot with me about woodsball and paintball tactics. But another (****) is about the exact opposite and fits alot of those stereotypes. And it seems that me and Brian seem to have a higher skill leval than **** and most other kids. And we both take the captian-leadership role. Its always fun to have him be a captian of a team and me captian of the other team and go against eachother. That usualy creates alot of competition.
One insident when **** was not being very succesful that day.(Brian wasn't there) He turned his gun to the highest fastest setting. Everyone on my team was dead except for me. I ran toward the tree he was behind, took cover while before he shot 20-30 balls at me. Then poped out and charged him, pulled the trigger 8 times.(he has had a history of wiping an unbelivable amount of times and being caught) Unfortunatley, all 8 balls hit him. He was mad PERIOD
I would love it if we could all just go back to pumps, or at least go to 32 round cambers. That would make the game easier, cheaper, and more fun.
Tyger I have watched alot of your videos and have enjoyed them. I agree with alot of yours, and specialops thoughts on paintball. I have learned many things about paintball from u guys as well.
I have a suggestion for a woodsball steriotype that u probly already thought of, I'm-teh-Sniper
my spec ops site:
(p.s. What is tygers special ops site, captianhoek@hotmail.com)
Anonymous, at Monday, September 18, 2006 5:16:00 PM
I know old thread...but let's not forget the good guys! The older guy who takes the time to help the newer players. Gets them down the field so they can gets some "kills". Lets them use his gear so they can see how it feels. Explains that's he's using a 3 year old gun, because he's happy with it and maybe instead of wasting a ton of money on the newest thing they should get something reliable and hold onto it. I know there's more...any help here?
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 30, 2006 8:56:00 AM
i like how Ryan Hoek says "I would love it if we could all just go back to pumps, or at least go to 32 round cambers" youre 14..... did you start with a pump? but anyway Tyger you rock and i look forward to more posts
Anonymous, at Wednesday, January 03, 2007 12:47:00 AM
Thats all true stuff that happens every where. theres people that have a Ion and say to a renter that ill unload on you 10 times then when there off the feild laught at him cause the guy shot the renter alot. then theres people like you and me we dont like people like that. im just as good as my friends the difference is im not a sore winner. most people who play regularly have there own gun i know i did. actully when i first got my ion i said to the owner of the feild how to i put the safty on, cause we all at one time have been like that. Paintball paradise rules!!!
Anonymous, at Monday, October 08, 2007 10:41:00 AM
A1 blog.
I'm one of the foundes of CSPO (www.canadianscenariopaintball.com) and we deal with not many of these types you explain thank god because our group is massive (810 members). So we normally go against them all in camo and A5s/X7s and usually just work them.
There are many great speedballers who have awesome attitudes unfortunately it's the jerks, wipers and overshooters that you notice because the empty can rattles the most.
Anonymous, at Friday, June 13, 2008 12:09:00 AM
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